Envelope books are a thing. A great way to capture all kinds of precious little treasures that pass through our daily lives. Stop by the space and peruse our collection of book making supplies...lets Make a prototype soon.
Kirie Art is finely cut paper of a poem, short story or an important letter. Looks like a great art form for the Laser. Black on white art gives a striking effect to many subjects...try it out!
We folded an Experimental Paper Airplane, pulled back on the rubber band attached to a launch system on a Paper Aircraft Carrier and p i e r c e d the target...with a paper airplane. How cool is that, literally everything was made out of paper, including the waterproof paper clad hull of the Aircraft Carrier. It was of course a Model carrier, lol.
Welcome to the Paper Boat
Project. We have contracted a Project Management Team from UW-Whitewater to guide multiple teams of area middle school students. The task is to properly re-engineer a paper boat
design to a duration test with a load of pennies in the hold of the boat. The testing will take place at the indoor Makerspace "Test Pond" located in Whitewater. Go
Here is the "Test Pond" that will determine who's penny laden boat design will endure to the end of the experiment. The test is an Arduino generated program that physically simulates the floating boats, complete with computer generated weather events. Be sure to monitor the the experiment on the video feed.