Just so you know a demonstration set of Force Multiplication Dominos has been made and is stored at the MakerSpace. The largest Domino is over 4ft tall and weights more than an average 5th grader, it also makes way more noise than the loudest 5th grader when it falls over and smacks the floor, lol.
Ahhhhh...is that a robot in outer space? Why yes, it is mr Spangler, and it was launched by some Tech Ed students. Maybe the Manufacturing Processes/Safety Class could do this. So what do we really need, well a really "nice" wooden something that we make right here in the Woodworking Lab. Something, like what...a Jointed Dinosaur, a spaceship, a wooden robot, just about anything just use your imagination. Are you brainstorming yet? Launch in June??? Start sawing...mr spangler
Check out the free standing wall. This is a revolutionary patent pending design that has real world application. Maybe we could make a sample. Check out the link below to an Instructables step by step guide.